Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Commemorate Ted Williams as a Baseball Player

Commemorate Ted Williams as a Baseball Player on Hot Topics -- Ted Williams was born in San Diego on 30 August 1918. He died when his age at 84. He die on July 5 2002. He was left fielder in Major League Baseball. He played in Boston Red Sox for 21 seasons. Beside that he was in American League Most Valuable Player (MVP) winner for two times. Than as a winner of Triple Crown two times, six times as a led on batting.

Williams set out to be the best hitter ever, and he accomplished that, and hit 521 home runs despite giving up five years of his prime to fight in World War II and Korea. After batting .406 in 1941 and during his Triple Crown-winning season of 1942, Williams joined the Navy as a fighter pilot. He had been classified 3-A, because he was the sole support of his mother, but he decided to join the service anyway. He spent three years as a flight instructor, never seeing combat.

When Williams returned to the Red Sox in 1946, he was a changed man. He wasn't so combative with the fans or the media. That same year he went to his one and only World Series. The documentary makes a point to highlight that Joe DiMaggio, Williams' rival with the Yankees, won nine championships. That was one area in which DiMaggio outshined Williams.

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